I had a friend sent an email saying that where you annual burfday blog? By the time I read the email It was almost two weeks ago, with the computer problem at the office and the hectic stuff happening I just haven’t got the time to sit down and actually type anything. I haven’t even had time to continue my reading and pretty much anything else.
But my burfday turn out great actually. Thanks for all your wishes, I do not think a bouquet of flower is suitable as a birthday present for a guy, but it’s the taught that count I guess hehehe.
But with this year burfday, come the most hectic month, a month which I really consider as the most hectic so far, I was so busy that I need to sent out my laundry rather than doing it myself on laundry day. But it also bring something nice, my bos finally gave the green light for my unit to do over-time. I often stayback to complete my work, but I never actually claim overtime for it, because all this while I thought I don’t need to. But since my bos say than other unit are like doing full over-time it looks like my unit have no work done, since we don’t do over-time. Strange reason but well that mean I can do more paid task. And that what I actually did. More and more overtime, more and more task, more and more hectic life. I haven’t even open my Friendster for a couple of weeks, OMG. But lets see if my claim clear out this month, if it doesn’t I stop the over-time and let those desperate one do it, since they claim seem to be cleared all the time… yeah I know very the double standard.
I was happy that my bos finaly allow me to be an overseer of exam for the department. Then the normal APC award ceremony, which turn out bleak.. and well I was just a “Penyambut Tetamu” so what can I do to change it rite?.
So much thing happen this month t hehehe I update more often…hehehehe
Huggable Ben