OMG.. it is already 2010...my last entry was august 2009? hehehe... Oh my... i think i was just to busy for blogging. i cant really say why but time seem to move so fast until now.. so imust have teen doing a lot of stuff...
A few new people come in to the office since then, we have farid, firdaus, fyzah, lida, a new bos, a new PA kak liza, than. people transfer and ira amiey kak mi yumi and bos.... and soon in 2010 maybe many more transfer and coming in... seem i am the only one who is still here... hehehe i dun mind cause well there is motivation here already, so why do i need to move? rite?
A few new people come in to the office since then, we have farid, firdaus, fyzah, lida, a new bos, a new PA kak liza, than. people transfer and ira amiey kak mi yumi and bos.... and soon in 2010 maybe many more transfer and coming in... seem i am the only one who is still here... hehehe i dun mind cause well there is motivation here already, so why do i need to move? rite?
After a year here in kl, went back to my home town..... really enjoy the hioliday too, cause took a two weeks holiday... went to kundasang and ranau and yes an anualy rutine to a few wedding... A few tragedy happen at kampung my neigbour whole family was lost at sea when they were celebreting Aidiladha...what a tragedy.....one one family member left, who already suffer a tragedy before..so sad...
So what else happen during the absent time of 2009? not much i guess.. maybe 2010 i be a bit more active in the blog scene again but again who know rite???
The huggable Ben