Huuhuhuhu it took a week to get over the Raya Holiday Syndrome hehehe… but it was a fun one indeed, fill with happening and much more…hehehehe…
Well it was the week after Raya holiday… so got some energy to do some “Samhain” cleaning….."summer end cleaning” hehehe…all hollow eve coming soon… was cleaning my drawer.. where I realize hey… i need a few stuff…
Stuff I Needed
1) 1 Kudroy Jean(Very good for office wear too, double usage)
2) One Box of New Boxer Short
3) One Box of New Brief
4) New Bed sheet , Pillow case and Bolsters case
So.. Spend the weekend window shopping planning the big shopping spree.. where I remember a friends who mention “AUSINO” Bed Sheet are the best and with 400 tread count, yes baby so nice…..So yeah got it…then to Wisma Campbell, the best place to shop for “Plus Size Cutest Person” like me and friends to shop for clothes, And yeah sale or no sale the price for plus size attire is never cheep, that is why we don’t shop that often, hehehe.. got my self a cargo pants and kudroy jeans and everything else there…I cant emphasize more on how nice this jeans are.. hehehehe. Yeah Once in a while… a nice shopping spree session is fun and actually help for stabilizing one’s mind huhuhuhu….Fun and tiring weekend …I am sorry if I couldn’t attend to all of the Open house invite…even my shopping spree was done in between attending raya open house that is why it was a tiring weekend indeed…. Huhuhu…
So Misi Pose tercapai?? T_T sadly no…cause only lost like 3 kg….and I think gain back all of it during raya heheheheehehhee……that all for the post Raya Blog..
The Huggable Ben