Oktober…..bulan ke sepuluh dalam kalender…..bermakna tinggal dua bulan lagi tahun 2010 ini akan berakhir… huhuhu… aiyo…..!! huhuhu…
What happen in October? A month where October Feast is celebrated and all hollow eve… Owh Yeah… My Nephew Robby Burfday is this month.. Happy Burfday Nephew…!!! Be A good man…. And be ready for your exam.. …(Wah angkol yang gagah perkasa kan??? ) hehehe…
Where is my high school (secondary school) class mate? *Borneon Content* apa sudah jadi sama planning reunion kta tue? Update? Mana kamurang ni? Jangan gia msg di gambar si ronney saja update sama page juga bah.. hehehehe…*Borneon Content End*
One bad habit after using BlackBerry Phone is that the moment you wake up, the first thing that you do is open facebook… yes the ultimate addiction to the net… hehehehe… and YM is always on. But then again it is a great way to always keep in touch… Hence we human is a social being….so whut the heck rite….
October also marks another miles stone for me… finish my LSPR training With distinction mined you..!! And I am moving toward getting membership for the Malaysian chapter…. Why you ask? For fun… you see working under government come with a lot of waiting time…. So while you wait to move you self forward.. you fill you time with stuff like this… volunteering or other stuff… hehehe….
A urban hermit….. that what I like to describe myself….in Kuala Lumpur….you can be Carrie Bradshaw…. Or Samantha Jones…. Or Nathan Ford mined you… but I rather be a hermit… going on my journey…making people around me happy and myself along the way… Helping the community in my own way. How…? I am still searching that answer too..wakakakaka…. owh yeah October is also a prayer month… try to do more prayer this month ….
Awwhh… I just remember ..this month…October 2010 I was blushing like a 15th year old boy for the second time this year…huhuhu….nak jadi gedik jap… *blush*blush*blush…..when was the first time? Check my posting on the moon shower…hehehehehe……
And October…the month I discover the anime Fairytale… peh….i like Tatania Erza with the Armor Magic…huhuhuhu….. fell in love with her…MAGIC …so to say lar hehehehehe….
October 2010 also is when I finally finish visiting all the state in Malaysia….the last needed destination was Kelantan.. hehehe…was fun although tiring… huhuhu…still enjoyable…*wink*wink*wink…
So that for October….2010….