About Mr Krab…I was window shopping with my young nephew at 1 Borneo, we were walking down the stair when he ask me..”angkol why do you walk sideway when you going down the stair…” I tot what an innocent question..so I answer “angkol is a big guy.. walking side way like this help to stabilize myself on the stair…” Then again my young nephew answer “ But then angkol you walk like a krab lar..” aiyo…….wakakakakaka… so to Pau, amir si mata hijau and Smuffx wan…..it’s official…Ben the Crab…wakakakakakakaka….
My New Year Resolution…Bah…. Mari kita senarai azam baru…. Ermm don’t be shock
· * Be Vegetarian For A month (I know..this is not possible and can I really do it??….but the great spirit ask me to do it because i was “jajal” in the house….hehehe…(The great spirit want to get to know you nephew…) So gonna pick one month to be total Vegetarian.
· *Read more than 8 novel this year….(I finish 7 novel last year..hope would find more time to read)
· * Renew all my license and maybe get a few new one too (DIVEMASTERS,PARAMEDIK {SJAM} ETC..)
· *Get all my meds reduce…(means managing my body so well that less visit to the doc is require..)
· *I manage to lost 7kg last year, gain it back after i got injured at the gym so gonna try to lose 8kg and try not to gain it back hehehehe…..
· *Go swimming more than twice a week…. Presint 5 have a very nice pool with very nice view… sapa mau join ? hehehe….
· *Master a new language(Or at least able to converse in it)….(Mandarin or Japanase?)….. hehehehehe….
· *Do more spells…(mak esah?? Season of the witch? Tak arr.. Charmed ler…) hehehehe…
· *Overall…Become a warm fuzzy bear…..
So let see.. what the year of the Golden Rabbit bring for me…..FYI Blue Sapphires…are dammnnn expensive *wink*wink hehehe…..