Well! remember when I say I wanted to post something about the island and stuff? Let’s just say I was very very fun but very very expensive, because the food there during tourist season is like *sigh*.
But what happen? Why another late post? Is my life that hectic to post anything anymore? Not really I think I just then to forgot about the blog same as my diary something a few week abandoned before the next post, How can I call myself a writer when I am not keen into writing right? I need to remind myself that.
About the trip, I was relaxing and the photo-shoot was great too. Waiting for the result hehehehe. The island life is so me, I love the seas and the sun and the swimming and snorkeling and just the pristine water of Perhentian island. Except for the garbage which was overwhelm because of the sear amount of tourist in the island that have a very bad habit on where to throw their own garbage. I wish the scout in the state or the student there would organize a beach cleanup or something, since the place is a tourism location it would easy to find such sponsorship I tell you very easy indeed with enough time planning though.
So what happen in June? Well! June is the perfect time to turn vegetarian, whilst fasting with the others. Although there is a time, when I did broke the taboo of being vegetarian during the fasting month, I am glad that I at least got more than half a month being pure vegetarian. During this month also my appointment with Dr. Masni for an endocrine clinic, seem my health management these pass few month was like really really bad, My HBA1C in over 10, although my fasting was 7.6 is it still seem bad management. Then come the BP checkup, BP was fine, nothing new, but a bit increase since I actually gain more weight since the last checkup. Doc was saying something like how bad the result for that particular visit was. She changes a few meds and add more encouragement to lose more weight. Other than that I got a new pen for the insulin injection and a new apt for DM monitoring wuu more MC hahahaha.

Come July, Officially a student again although what I am learning is totally new and out of the norm education here in Malaysia. A new journey but well I hope I can complete it as my other studies go. Was only able to do some reading, haven’t finished the assignment yet, but fun to learn new things I guess. Hopefully, this satisfied my hunger for something new to learn and obtain hehehehe~~~!!
Wish me luck people…
Thehuggable Ben