Yup Its day 22 of MCO, and just finish join the live
streaming of Maundy Thursday Mass From Sacred Heart Cathedral. It is a bit sad
that this year there no new Candidate for Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Most Sad would be to see that those whom are really into the holy week every
year and this time we cant really do the mass cause of the MCO and to fight of
the Covid 19 Attack in our country. Sadly we are not the only one facing this.
Catholic all around the world are facing this. For the first time in my
generation I guess that the churches are close for the holy week.
So what have I been doing? Well a friend come to visit and
help bought some groceries and had a nice chat with an actual human being,
although we do keep our distance but hey a hug before a friend leaving us is
important, and since we were really staying in our home not meeting anyone so
think we are safe hopefully. I am so grateful that a friend come over checking
up on me help buy some stuff cause the shop nearby are running low in supply
also and that just it although food delivery are allowed many provider don’t because
the low demand of the product is just not enough to cover their cost, hence
although we understand why we kind of think that well we don’t really think
about what we buy before we can’t buy them anymore. For example bread we used
to buy once a week and sometime we don’t even finish them and they go bad. Now
we can’t even buy it and when we do I for one only buy one loaf because that
all I need for the week, and that how long it normally last. Why buy more? If you
have a big family and need to provide for them I can understand. But those who
panic buy them? Why? Its not going to last that long. That why food production
is consider a front liner because they provide food supply for us.
We are going of topic hahaha… I was going to tell you about
what have I been doing, for the last 3 days I haven’t left my house at all
because my groceries run are all done when my friend come over. So stuck in the
house we start re-watching youtube vedio on marrie kondo method. Got inspire
and well that was what I am doing. Channeling what bring joy and what not and
hence what not get donated and what bring joy are repack and ready to ship. Wait~~~
shipped to where?? Soon enough you will tell you. For now let just say we have
5 box ready… we just need the tape them up and bind with plastic.
Well that from me on the MCO 22nd day
Huggable and hermetic Ben