Aiyo….harus sanggat
This morning I cant wake up at all, I was really late to the office today but well I had too…to much work to be done, and I got a new scanner…for this GEO-EDMS thingies.
I was awake earlier, but then my body just don’t want to move. Last nite it was raining… I my body was saying to me, I want a warm hug… but well…what to do…..not everything that we want , we can have rite?? So I roll myself with my comforter and emerged as a “Vutot!” hehehee…. I look like a giant Vutot indeed… hehehe.. what is vutot? “ulat sagu”? mainly it look like a gaint fat caterpillar…hehehehe. To recreate to warm of being hug?
And suddenly at this moment I realize that I am having a fever…..owh….. my tummy felt weird.. … I think I am going back early today…..
The Feverish Huggable Ben