I came back to a table with 5 level of “fail tindakan” amongst these file was a few overdue letter which was marked urgent but was somehow deem to the rest of my staff as “cant wait till Ben get back” item. I was really furious when I came in today, but I manage to keep myself cool because well I had a very good day yesterday and a very very good week last week, the happiness just overshadow the anger I had, because as I realize before, non of my colleague are efficient at all.
I can do their daily task if they were on a Sick day or going on a holiday. But they cant5 do mine for these reason;
“It been such a long time since I last did this task, I cant remember how?”
“I have my own work to do, I don’t have time to take over other’s”
“I wont to administrator task”
“If I do his task, then other people will think that I am “Gila Kuasa!” person”
If I use any of these reason to not do their task on their off day or when their attending courses, I wonder how it will be like? Somehow after today I felt that, if I were to take a sabbatical leave this Dept will go down the drain. Because none of them are can take over, and cover my section. And if my section was not that important, the hell would I care, the problem is, my unit is the vein off the dept, everything that goes out and in (document wise) from this dept must go through me. So what happen when I was attending a course last week? – My unit was put on a halt; nothing was done until I came in today.
But one good thing about this situation is that I was able to see how good I was as an administrator. In only 8 hours of non-stop and uninterrupted work, I was able to complete 80% of the last week task and today task, I was unable to complete the 20% because lack of recourses.
In Other Word…I am amazing…! Angle with halo and wings yet to come!!
The Huggable Ben
I can do their daily task if they were on a Sick day or going on a holiday. But they cant5 do mine for these reason;
“It been such a long time since I last did this task, I cant remember how?”
“I have my own work to do, I don’t have time to take over other’s”
“I wont to administrator task”
“If I do his task, then other people will think that I am “Gila Kuasa!” person”
If I use any of these reason to not do their task on their off day or when their attending courses, I wonder how it will be like? Somehow after today I felt that, if I were to take a sabbatical leave this Dept will go down the drain. Because none of them are can take over, and cover my section. And if my section was not that important, the hell would I care, the problem is, my unit is the vein off the dept, everything that goes out and in (document wise) from this dept must go through me. So what happen when I was attending a course last week? – My unit was put on a halt; nothing was done until I came in today.
But one good thing about this situation is that I was able to see how good I was as an administrator. In only 8 hours of non-stop and uninterrupted work, I was able to complete 80% of the last week task and today task, I was unable to complete the 20% because lack of recourses.
In Other Word…I am amazing…! Angle with halo and wings yet to come!!
The Huggable Ben
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