Wah.....umo dah 27 tahun dah.... huhuhu...
3 tahun lagi nak masuk 30-an dah... erm.. where my list of things to do before i am 30 YO
huhuhu.. actualy there is a lot that i have complete.
1.Go oversea (done)
2.Learn music (done)
3.Join EMS team (done)
4.Active member of an NGO (PDM)(DONE)
5.Go holiday on a exotic island (Redang 2008) (done)
6.Involed in teaching (Done)
7.Get Back to 42 inch waist..(OTW)
8.Gain the ability to do back flip (what?? can what??)
9.Go Japan (not yet lar)
10.Martial art( still in training)
this is only ten, actualy got a lot, tapi not sure where i put the rest.. huhuhuhu..
thanks for the wish y'all...
Hohohoho...what else to do today?? maybe something fun.... huhuhuu
P/s Muka di harijadi yang ke-27 pic kat post ni....
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