Its Father’s day and for the whole of last week, I can’t stop thinking nak bagi ape kat Bapa,Ayah ngan dad ben…..huhuhu… This is not as easy as mother’s day… cause you cant give candy to them…so tak sesuai.. huhuhu… was thinking of maybe a Cuban Cigar? Bapa ben musti suka but my mum would smack me .. and yelling “risk factor ben, risk factor!!!” betul gak.. cannot ler…For Ayah plak no don’t think so..ayah don’t smoke and so does dad…so no Cuban cigar for them too..huhu… wait, maybe a tie?... Bapa ben dah retired so I don’t think he would like a tie…..the only time I saw Ayah wear a tie was in a picture when he got his Anugerah cermerlang in 2006….Dad would probably like it..but.. erm…I do not know how to choose a tie…since I don’t use them myself huhuhu….. maybe a Football Jersey… Bapa Ben tgk Badminton… I am not sure if Ayah minat bola sepak…Dad is fully committed to Bowling …so yeah tak sesuai gak…..
Then it got me thinking..why am I trying to get something that is not my style? Huhuhu…. So Pa…..wait until Ben balik kio…Lunch at Gayang ok you choose the dishes!! Huhuhu.. Ayah..kne tgu ben balik opis yer… ada ler ben bawa balik tue… and Dad.. I am gonna get you that.. Ruyi Crystal..(laboratory made yer dad can’t really afford the jade one hehehe…) huhuhu..good for your desk…and good feng shui gak.. huhuhu….
So to all the dad out there..Happy Father’s Day… I hope you enjoy your day today…..and I guess you guys wish I am your son rite? Wakakakakakaka…..
P/s Najmi and Izzat..udah ler ngan Ps2..tue… gi tolong ayah hari ni yer…huhuhu…
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