Well another year have gone by…a very good year indeed… although some weird foolish stuff happen at almost the end of the year. It was a good one in a whole. Life is a circle…a wheel like a wise monk told me before… you enjoy the moment when you’re on top and brace yourself when you’re at the bottom.
Finally got to bring ayah back to my hometown… although I was not able to drive him around like how I planned it in the beginning. But all ends wells I guess..I found out that there this “monitor” which keep a close eye on my Facebook page… and always try to related what I say in my page as referring to this person… which I am not sure why…and yeah I know it kind of stupid because this person in not even in my friends list but maybe “this person” really like people to talk about “this person” and because now nobody really care about “this person”..this person tries really hard to raise the issue that everyone is out there to get “this person”….my advise to this person whom I know who be reading this…baik ko jadi artist wei… kontroversi jer ko punya point !! mengalahkan artist Malaysia siot!! Blah lar….
“Huggy woggy” it been a while since I used this word…since I say to myself that, there only one “Huggy woggy” in my life…and I was rite… there only one “huggy woggy” and I lost it ever since… my nephew told me that he saw my old blog…from three years back… and yeah.. the blog kindda remind me of it.. but then again I found my husky warewolf this year… and my husky always make me smile since I found it..hugging my husky wolf!!! A new smile I found…thank you my husky wolf!!! for making me smile again…!!
Christmas this year was a mild one…spend time with the family and all...dinner yang simple, the breakfast ngan satay…yeah I know weird Christmas dishes …but ok juga bah…. With all the family.. hehehe… so now..let’s prepare for new year…
had a great 10th reunion of SM St Mary Limbahau papar class of 2000...Sebab GPRS jak di rumah ni internet...jadi pic kana load bila sia pegi kk kio kawan2 hehehe.....let try to make a big one next year k guys...(kanapa bah sia tida bulih tag si rose ni?.....)
I am hoping that my desk in the office is still in tact when I get back next year.. hehehe..
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