I use to lover writing stuff… I used to love putting spoken word into written word. What I strive for is to express myself to the world, a few years back wait….errmm.. I think it was almost Ten year’s ago someone introduce me to blogging…a online way to keep a journal, which I also keep. But a blog is something we share… people then can read it…and reply or something, which at first I kindda like the attention, but again your blog could be the source where people manipulate what you are writing into something that might sabotage you.
Speaking your thought out loud seem to also have pros and cons… I remember last year experience, where my words were twisted and use against me because to the people that matter, my world seem to revolve around them. This is what writer calls a motivation killer. Everything that you write seems too sensitive for other because they would get hurt just by reading it. Although what you were referring to was a complete different thing, something which is not even minutely related to the people that matter. But as the old Malay saying “siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas” so like whut ever..
So I kinda slowed down in the blogging world, only to do entry when there are something worth sharing to the world, then recently I ask myself, why stop something that I love to do because it might hurt other for the reason that they themselves think I was referring to them?.. Be proud that someone actually thought you were talking about them that people actually read your stuff… so much fun if we see it that way rite?
Anyway…. On this calm march Sunday and on my way to my Sunday Mass hope I could make it in time before it start.. I continue my blogging life…but how long? Let just see first .. if no one kill themselves about what I say here, then I be blogging as much as I can hehehehe…
The Huggable Ben
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