15 august 2011… a miraculous day indeed for me.. Because on that day something that I prayed for was answered…. I wanted so bad to return as a student, felt that there just something incomplete that I would really like to get done… and yes it was to continue my studies… these past few years, I can say there are many chances for me to continue but there is always a reason not to. There is the financial reason , the time reason, then the focus reason and many more. So I just justified everything as “it is not my time” to do so.. So I waited and waited and waited until one of my friends say..” ala apply jer ben, dorang terima, ok ler, klu tak dorang ler rugi….” A funny quote from my friend Mohd Farid Shaar…. But dude.. From that quote I followed what you had said and yes I was accepted…with all the obstacle before hand, the path become clearer and everything just become obvious..it is time to return Ben… return back ….and complete the uncompleted mission that has haunted most of your adult (adult??) life….huhuhu…. Like a Rogue ninja, returning to the hidden village to become a legendary Ninja (just watched Naruto….bare with me kay..!)
I like my course coordinator… he called me by my name and not the usual “bob” and actually remember what I say to him during the interview we had….The Name My Parent gave me is JOVEN… not sure if my mum and dad actually knew what the real meaning of it when they gave it to me, but in Spanish It brings the meaning of “Young” it really explain a lot of stuff though… but to hear someone calling you..”mr ‘young’ joven..” is really funny and but I like it because someone actually remember your name and their meaning.
I am a bit homesick also during this month….I miss my baby nephew Elden at home… and of course my nephew Romero too… but during fasting month, when we buy food at the Ramadan bazaar you cant help missing your mother and sister cooking….dun know why but I miss my mum chicken curry and my sis ‘ayam masak kicap’ plus suddenly a few days ago I kinda miss my grandmum fried rice too… been to a few bazaar, yet never seem to find any as good as theirs..
Sent my dear lappy to the lappy hospital, and the diagnose doesn’t seem to be good but what to do, I need it, especially now when half of my subject are writing subject and the mode for study are mainly online forum so…a full upgrade needed hehehe…
The weight update…after 24 day’s of full fasting but grand break-fasting…only manage to shed 5 kg… actually not bad, but if you tell the doc that he would say “you could lose more than that..” But an appa wouldn’t be cute if it look like and eel hound rite…(Ann the last airbender….) huhuhu
That all I guess for now…huhu…
The huggable ben….