(supposed to be posted on 31st July but just realize that blogger was ban from the com huhuhu..)
As always wasn’t able to do blogging the whole month, actually to be honest I did not really felt the time passing the whole month, I really did not realize that today was the 31st, and wonder what happen the whole month of July..
I knew a lot had happen in July but I just could not find the time to actually wrote anything….hey I think I have the same line like last month… huhuhu… I really think I need more time for myself…. I want an island retreat …hehehehe… maybe soon I guess…
Some stuff that I felt was not really suppose to happen yet had happen because well the people involve did not think what they did can effect other’s ….you advise other that the thing you do was not for material gain of personal solution to your personal problem yet you tell everyone that’s why those chosen one are allow to do it because “kesian” they have personal problem….So stupid that’s why lar people are talking behind your back. You reason are so selfish. Huhuhu….
But not all that happen during July was bad… I mean Harry potter last movie came out…and It was amazing……a very great end for such an amazing story….. I wish It never end but well a story should have an start and an end….. and it was legendary….
Another Legendary stuff that happen during July was …I went to watch the LIVERPOOL football team playing against Harimau Malaya….as everyone know I am not really a football fan but when we have 85000 people screaming like there is no tomorrow it was an amazing experience ….really amazing indeed
Owh almost forgot the stupid demo that happen at 9 July 2011, I am not sure if they got any massage through.. but I think the guy who had a sex change and die after her pled was rejected made a much more meaning full massage.
Got myself a great book this month and although only gone thorough 40% of it.. I was really nice… only need to find the best time to used it… oh yeah need to find a purple pen for a spell I been practicing hehehe….
Owh yeah July also was the month were I started using crystal again. After a few month I did not use them because guess to much confusion ….happening after the last time.. guess I a crystal user after all..
Erm…. I wanted a galaxy tab….but the whole month of research just advise me that I wouldn’t be suitable for me financially huhuhu… even the big book of everything financial said so…huhuhu…so maybe a playbook instead? Hahahaha….
Missing my dear nephew elden….:-( and nephew Romero too… but that the thing about being a hermit….family are always far away….on our journey to self discovery and cultivation of one own virtue…It a code …so if you don’t understand don’t worry it not meant for you….huhuhu…
Welcome August….bubuy July and also welcome Rahmadan….boleh jadik cam dua tahun lepas tak? Hilang 7kg…well try our best I guess….!!
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