Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Vacay!! Yehhhaaa...!!

Yes...it’s true that I did have a lot to say during October...but this time around I can’t even open a word program to write anything... just too hectic to handle two different job at different location at one time. It really give a new understanding on how multitasking really work for you, tapi burn out is indivertible.

But on a light noted I be going on a excursion to an island this weekend. Although it supposed to be a photographic trip where I should be taking pic for the last 4 assignment to be done for Photo communication course. But in reality it a time to relax near the sea...but with the camera at hand why not do another “multitasking” where we enjoy the excursion and finish our assignment at a stress free environment right?

Sociology....this subject fascinate me a lot....I totally would love to take the subject as a major but well I don’t think that is it possible. Since the subject does not have any direct relation with my job as a government entry level staff. These are for researcher level jobs I guess. But nevertheless it is a fun subject where we learn about communities and culture and after we learn the basic we started to see a pattern in our own circle, see the cultural change and the ethno-centric behaviour or how our friends without realizing it is a bit racist in a way. But as a student of sociology we must be un-bias but keep hold of our own understanding.

What I saw at immigration office...what I heard is that the immigrant is taking over; works for the local are limited. But let me ask you youngster.. if I give you RM2500 a month but you would be doing hard labour... would you accept? For the immigrant a month minimum salary here is a year salary in their own country... so yeah of course they would accept the job offer even with minimum pay. Like our nurses here...they are paid RM1800 a month average RM21600 a year. Overseas they are paid RM 12 500 a month an average of RM150000 a year plus two month paid leave....Ngko mmmammpuu??? Hahahahaha..to much exposure to immigration info I guess hahahaha..

I can’t wait for my small vacay this weekend... a nice swim in the sea would be very nice... owh yeah need to get sun block lotion huhuhu...

Salam Aidilahda to all my friends!!

The huggable ben....

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