Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I am still finding my rhythms

I am still at a state of limbo I guess, haven’t really found my rhythm at the new place. I have to admit that it is nice here, but as I say I haven’t found my rhythms yet.

This even show up in my sleeping pattern, normally I get home and directly fall asleep because of the hectic-ness but well at the new place I am more of slow and steady pace. But for someone who had already been used to the hectic-ness. I am well a bit. Blur by the change.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I don’t like it here. Just that maybe I miss my old friends there. I have new friends now, but well i guess this is another phase that I had to go through in my life, In order to grow wise like the old oak tree.

But I think I am getting there already, I am trying to find ways to make my task more realisable and doing much more than normal yet not to much that it that it would be overwhelming huhuhu..

Although I am thinking on how to make the most of my free time since travelling time had been reduced dramatically hehehehe... neyway glad that I getting along...

The Huggable Ben

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