Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I survive the apocalypse..... (=^w^=)...meow...

Own I did not put any posting for December, well that just show how hectic it was last month. When the Study task and work collide and cause an epic time of busyness that almost ruined my Christmas shopping plan.

But gladly was able to do some shopping but still was not able to buy everything on my list.
So what happen in December? I almost cried when my politic lecturer made a mural of red ink of my project report which took me more than a week to finish researching and prepared for the submission. I don’t really fond of the subject really but well it is a core, so maybe i bare the torment and learn a few knowledge of this subject called “POLITIC”

Finishing up the 3rd semester, at the start of the semester, my motivation was down for a while when I had to drop my research topic because I was not able to cope the subject alone. And the psychology researches prove that to do any research subject you can’t do it alone. You need a good and hard working team that are able to be with your during the ups and down of the research.

I found my latest craze..... Don’t want to be the elf in LOTR... Want to be the Dwarves Warriors... hehehe.. As I had said before sabahan are known to be short and tubby and we live in a land with a huge mountain... totally feeling the dwarves journey as me as a dwarven prince returning home.. The movie is so touching... I can’t wait till they release the DVD and I am totally going to buy it.

December is always so dear to me. It is the time when I take my holiday and go back home to spend time with the family. Miss them so much since my last trip back home was December last year, it is literally been a years since I saw any of them. mom and dad, my sister and brother. My niece and my nephew.. Spending quality time with them. Also got to meet up with special ones too..... because you’re special hehehe...

So semester finals in January then a long break before we start again.

I was waiting for what going to happen on the 21st of December 2012, it was a total let down but I least now I can say I survive the apocalypse...wuuu~~~~ Welcome January 2013, Finals? Come at me bro.. hehehe...

The Huggable Ben