Sunday, December 18, 2011

The hermit ...….

I guess I wanted to write about this for  a long time now, but I never found a reason to do so, but well I guess I finally have a reason to bring back the stories. I wrote a book once, never get publish because it was too extreme for Malaysian reader according to the jury at that time.

The stories about a man who was curse by the spirit guardian because, he misused a gift given to him, this curse would then bring bad luck and misfortune to the people he the end the only thing he can do was to leave them and watch them from a far, he will always be lonely but his happiness come from watching those he loved happy from afar.

I tot the book was going to be an only copy, it turn out I got an inspiration to do a sequel, the hermit who was curse to be lonely forever find someone he care so much, that he is willing to do anything for that the problem is the curse is still there… and the hermit knows what he has to do…but his heart tell him, this person is so special, you can never get this person out of your heart…but he had too.. or the person he care about would always suffer misfortune and stupid bad luck…
The ending of the sequel was, that person live happily, enjoying his life, and the hermit as usual only happy to see that person happy from a far…although his heart breaks and loneliness haunt him again, it was the right thing to do..his sacrifice for the happiness of others.

The funny part about the two books it never got publish, and it was based on a true account story…” you had grown up I guess, and you have a whole life a head of you  but you can’t move on until I bring the curse away”…..the last word the hermit has say to that special someone…. “ I be watching you, just from a far away place.”

If it only stay as a story…wouldn’t it be a nice dramatic one rather than a heart broken life stories….

Friday, December 16, 2011

Last day of work in 2011

Owh my gosh the month of december has been the most hectic month of the year so far, as you know the study stuff and the work stuff and much much more..... although the anual year end holliday was nearing the work and the juggling for work and study become intense. i got a fever just handling the first week of december. and that was the continuing effect after the thirds seminar. huhuhuhu... dont get me wrong i am loving it so much but i am not sure if my bodY can handle it much longger. i am so lucky that the year end holidAy is coming.. i can totaly rest my tired body then......turn out that my final is held rite after my holiday so the holiday is also spent reading for the final exam in january...Aiiiyyyyoooo..... but well i did sign up for it and with it come all the stress i guesss.... rite now all in my mind is going back home with my family celebreting christmS and new year and resting as much as i can before starting a new year.. a hectic new year...!!!! hehehehe love you alll muaks!!!! huggable Ben