Sunday, February 21, 2010

14 pisau...

Semalam ben gi tengok wayang tajuk 14 pisau.. huhu, hebat ada alatan yang fit for all occasion
tapi setelah separuh jalan cerita tue, ben masih tak paham, sapa yang berlakon watak villain dalam wayang ni?

sebab dari semua POV, setiap watak tue ada penjelasan mengapa mereka buat cam tue dan klu lihat pada konteks masa,tempat, tradisi dan sejarah... semua orang kira baik in his or her own way.

op kos ler ada dua watak baik, zhao wei ngan Jugde of the Desert ala2 robin hood of slik road... huhuhu

i like the weapon also. sabit Jugde ngan "tuo tuo" snake sword.. hebat... pandai penulis mereka pedang2 ni...klu ada can nak dapatkan replika of kos i beli nyer huhuhu...

apa lagi erk?? ermm.. deman dah surut dah, tapi kapala fell a bit light, cam mamai2 skit..
anyway yes another monday... huhuhu...

The Huggable Ben

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A good Admin Assistant...

How am I supose to explain this to admin assistant is not a simple job, that you can take for granted. And secretary have even more skill to master.

and if you think you can survive as an admin assistant just because of your looks think again...and dont think because of your look you can get away with anything...

for example, when you get to your desk, and saw a few document, dont ask why the document is there, check what is the document and if it is your work, then do it, if not the pass it to those in charge. but normally if the document is on top of your table it is your work.

Plus we are administrator, so we administer...even if that task is not directly our task to perform if we are ask to do it, we should, if you dont like to do office work and only want to "MENGANGKANG" and wait for your husband to lick your P**** then just resign lar.. no need to add the burden of the office trying to manage your personal problem.....your problem solve it yourself..!!!

Just that you are lucky to be promoted as and admin assistant, appreciate it and please dont try to act like you so important because you have the "look" that can make a man little bro happy....

P.s.. your look and "gediks" doesn't effect me... cause I take my job seriously

the angry yet huggable ben

Monday, February 15, 2010

what new? my new shoes....huhuhuhu

So what did i get my self fro CNY? a brand new shoes..but can it categories as a shoes? well.. my brand new CROCS.... yeah i know... my legs got too tired last week after over working... so ayah suggest that i get a new shoe rather than my comfy sandall...Ayah suggested there i was opening my "BIG BOOK OF FINANCE" to see if i could actually afford one.. after much sacrificing of stuff that i dont really need, i found that yeah i actually can afford it.. I went to the mall, but they dont have it, with my size...sadly.. But then i remember that another type of foot wear that also protect and reduce your legs fatigue after a long walk. It is The CROCS.. But in Mid Valley the price for an Original CROCS overshoot my bugget almost RM100. So i guess i had to postponed my intention to buy it.. cause it must be the "ORIGINAL" CROCS...only the "ORI" have the material that is use in manufacture it which are gonna help. the non-original is no more than a normal sandal if you ask me.

Then.. a friend told me that i can buy the original CROCS from a friends who is a distributer for it at a much bigger discount.....hehehe...and there you new CROCS...and i am so enjoying it rite now... huhuhuhu

The Huggable Ben

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Valentine Post....

Its. Valentine day, So??? it's Sunday and it should be celebrated in solemness for what it's true meaning really are... Let recap.. Valentine day is a day when a priest who have dedicated his life to the service of god, push a way love toward a woman he truly love for god, then he dies... and the woman remember his lost love by celebrating valentine. So really Valentine is a day celebrated by those who had lost love.. all the widow.

Don't really understand why they celebrate valentine with such cheer... Plus erm..where does it say, that on valentine day you should have sex.. like what the paper are saying these past few day... it's so stupid... they need to do more research before actually commenting on it..

and in penang.. there is this group who is making a big fuzz about a campaign a group of student make to "not wear panties on valentine" i mean so what 73% of male above 23 years old doesn't wear underpants on a daily basis..according to a survey made by a leading company that made male undergarment. huhuhuhuhu... i meant if they are gonna do it? do you think a panties would stop it?? yeah that do it.. wear panties it would stop sexual interaction..

well i am enjoying myself this weekend relaxing my week gym date at 4G2...