Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its something I want…

A few days ago I had this dream, in the dream I wanted something so much… I was watching the fruit basket anime again and I heard this immortal word’s …”I wanted you to tell me how it feels to receive the diploma in your hand”…..but for me…I want you to tell me how it feel to receive the degree in your hand… My friends are having their convocation next week, Congrad to you guys, especially jenny and fatin… but I am a bit

jealous…. I want to hold a degree too….

This year I had found a place where the possibility of continuing my degree, but…… Would my boss allow me? The program have a 3 weeks intensive program that require you to stay at the University.....Yeap USM…. Huhuhu… but why not try asking first rite??...huhuhu…

Just got back form the KPSL Exam….damnn…. Peperiksaan Kertas Undang-Undang dier giler babas tahap naga berapi punya level huhuhuhu…. Cedera parah wei…..Sure2 tahun depan ambik lagi huhuhu… sedey wei.. tapi nak wat cam ner…takde experience lagi .. so harap2 ada dua paper pass ler.. bleh focus study undang-undang jer…. Huhuhu……

Dah dua hari buat walking keliling persiaran perdana, dapat ilham dari pengalam hari belia….. dua kali walking up and down this boulevard would count as a 2 KM walk huhuhuhu.. lengkap training… hehehehe….PSP.. masih dalam usaha…..huhuhu…

Bukan PSP jer… ni tgk tgk klu bleh dapat PS3 gak ni….mau study kaka….tapi main game juga kuat huhuhu… inda bulih jadi ni wakakaka……

I need to get my head together again, need to focus in the BIG PLAN….What the BIG PLAN? Tgu lar akan datang…huhuhu…

The Huggable ben

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